Learning the Right Way

The Feynman Technique


2 min read

The “Feynman Technique” is a method of studying that leverages the fact that teaching someone something solidifies the concepts being taught.

How it works?
1. Choose a concept you want to learn and write it down in a notebook or on a piece of paper.
2. Explain the concept in simple language, as if you were teaching it to a child or someone who has no knowledge of the subject. Use analogies and real-world examples to make it easier to understand.
3. Identify any gaps in your knowledge or understanding and go back to the source material to fill in those gaps.
4. Simplify your explanation further and repeat the process until you can explain the concept clearly and concisely.

Their are several notable benefits of using the Feynman Technique. It essentially helps one identify the gaps in his/her understanding of a topic/concept. It also helps in retention and recall of the information as one simplifies the topics.

Thing to keep in mind
Don’t keep complex jargon (unnecessary complex words).
First understand the concept yourself.

The first principle is that you must not fool yourself — and you are the easiest person to fool
— Richard Feynman

The “Feynman Technique” basically is to simplify the topic/concept so much and in such simple language that it can be explained to a 12 year old kid.

If you can’t explain it simply, then you don’t understand it enough.

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