The Basics of Curl
Curl stands for Client URL
The curl command is used to transfer data using the URL syntax
The curl command in general use returns the contents of the website the url points to.
[!NOTE] Notes
By default curl always does a GET request
It is not necessary to give the protocol to the curl command via
but in this case when it is not given curl defaults to thehttp
protocolThe curl command will also not follow any redirect by default and would just return Redirecting...
[!TIP] Website to test bad SSL certs
Some useful flags and arguments
Basic (without options), returns the contents of the website
curl <protocol>://<url>
To get the header info only
curl -I <protocol>://<url>
To get both the content and the header info
curl -i <protocol>://<url>
To output the content into a file (can also use
for this)curl -o <filename> <protocol>://<url>
curl -O <protocol>://<url>
The one with 'O' uses the file path given in the url to get and store the contents in the file with the same name and path.To make curl follow the redirect
curl -L <protocol>://<url>
To get a verbose output
curl -v <protocol>://<url>
For websites with bad SSL certs the curl command will by default show an error, but we can still view the content by passing in the -k flag
curl -k <protocol>://<url>
Globbing in curl
Curl can glob using basic regex and this above command will search for all five employees with id 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5To give a POST request
curl -d "name=Test&salary=10000&age=28"
In this command the '-d' option means data and by default if you don't specify any method it does a POST request and the header is form content and data is url form dataTo modify the header (-H)
curl -d '{"name":"Test","salary":"10000","age":"29"}' -H "Content-type: application/json"
In this case the data becomes a json data instead of url form dataTo modify the method
curl -X <http_method> <protocol>://<url>
Fake the host header
curl --header "Host:
" http:/
This will also make the cookies for workResolve
curl --resolve
This under the hood populates the curl's DNS cache with the specified custom entryConnect to another host by name (especially useful when working with load balancers)
curl --connect-to
Although not very practical it is also possible to send an email using the curl command using the smtp protocol.
Although it might seem as a simple command curl hides tons of functionality inside it.